American Heart Association volunteer expert, Kenneth A. Ellenbogen, M.D., is Kimmerling professor of Cardiology, Chair, Division of Cardiology, VCU Pauley Heart Center, Medical College of Virginia / VCU School of Medicine, Richmond, Virginia. Offering perspective on AHA Scientific Sessions 2020 Presentation P687 copyright American Heart Association 2020 "I think this study really emphasizes the importance of exercise, and most importantly, which is really pretty incredible, it's a dramatic reduction in the risk of developing AF with vigorous exercise. So exercise is important, but exercise is not just strolling down the street in a very relaxed sort of way, but it's, vigorous exercise, and somebody who's very physically fit, but when we talk about the benefits of exercise in terms of blood pressure reduction, in terms of a heart attack and stroke reduction, in terms of lifestyle modification, and lowering cholesterol. Now, we have a really dramatic impact on the risk of a-fib, just one more box to check off. So this is a very important study."