Summer Sun Safety Month highlights skin cancer prevention and heat related safety tips
Hot enough for ya? It may be too hot for your heart health!
When the temperature goes up in the summer months, exercising outside can become challenging. Even heat-loving, sun-seeking exercisers can become overheated when the sun is beaming down in the heat of the day. Tips to keep in mind.
Video Transcript (doc) | copyright American Heart Association 2023 | Song: Bright Future Ahead / Royalty Free

Full infographic text - Heat Stroke vs. Stroke Infographic

Staying active this summer as a family
Be a role model for an active lifestyle. Start moving more yourself and find ways to be active together as a family.
Reduce or limit sedentary screen time, including watching television, playing video games and using a digital device.
Provide kids with opportunities to be active. Give them active toys and games, like bikes, skateboards, roller skates, scooters, jump ropes, balls and sports equipment.
Get familiar with community facilities near you, like pools, recreation centers, bike paths and parks.
The American Heart Association’s Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults and the recommendations in children.

The American Heart Association warns that extreme heat can be dangerous – even deadly – especially for people with existing heart disease. Check out these tips.

Dehydration means your body doesn't have enough water, which can make you feel really thirsty and cause other problems such as dizziness, feeling tired, swollen feet, a headache or even life-threatening illnesses, such as heat stroke. How much water do you need?

Keeping kids heart healthy - Physical activity boosting resources support classroom performance (Sept. 2022)

Limit kids’ screen-time throughout the school year - Limit screen time among kids, experts caution (AHA News 2018)

A good night's sleep - A wake-up call on teen sleep: Why doctors want school bells to ring later (Aug. 2019)

National Immunization Awareness Month – Learn what immunizations are important for people with or at risk for cardiovascular disease.
Here's what doctors know about immunizations right now: You still need them | Flu and Pneumonia Prevention

You could be the difference between life and death.
August Calendar Highlights
Summer Safety Month, National Breastfeeding Month, National Immunization Awareness Month, Back to School Month, National Farmers Market Week, National Peach Month, National Golf Month, Plus take a walk and help save lives - Find a Heart Walk near you!

National Farmers Market Week - Aug. 4-10.

National Peach Month - Fuzzy and full of nutrients, peaches are a summertime staple | AHA recipes with peaches

It's the Dog Days of Summer’ and Aug. 26 is National Dog Day, plus adding pets to your family has heart healthy benefits. A Healthy Bond for Life!
8/1 – National Minority Awareness Day | National Girlfriends Day
8/3 - Grab some nuts day - Go Nuts (But just a little!) | AHA recipes with nuts
8/4 – American Family Day | National Friendship Day | National Sisters Day
8/4-10 - National Farmers Market Week - Eat more color
8/8 - Sneak Some Zucchini into Your Neighbor’s Porch Day – Zucchini recipes
8/9 - International Day of the World's Indigenous People – Established by the UN General Assembly to acknowledge contributions of indigenous peoples on world issues and work to help protect the rights of indigenous populations.
8/12 – International Youth Day
8/15 – National Back to School Prep Day | National Relaxation Day
8/17 – National Nonprofit Day - American Heart Association facts
8/18 – National Couple’s Day
8/19 – World Humanitarian Day
8/21 – Senior Citizens Day | International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism – remembers those who suffered and died in the transatlantic slave trade.
8/25 to 8/31 – Be Kind to Humankind Week
8/26 – Women's Equality Day – commemorates this day in 1920 when the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was certified giving women the right to vote. | National Dog Day - Do dog owners live longer?
8/30 – National Grief Awareness Day
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