
Video: AHA Snow Shoveling Can Be Hazardous To Your Heart - music and text -Transcript (doc) | Video copyright American Heart Association 2023 | Song: Bright Future / Royalty Free

Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack

Infographic transcript

Heart attack deaths spike during the winter
The American Heart Association urges people to be aware of and reduce risks for heart attacks
What's the difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest?

CARDIAC ARREST occurs when the heart malfunctions and stops beating unexpectedly. Cardiac arrest is an “ELECTRICAL” problem.

A HEART ATTACK occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. A heart attack is a “CIRCULATION” problem.

Know the symptoms and take action:


Is getting healthier one of your

New Year’s Resolutions for 2024?

Life’s Essential 8 can help with a few easy steps you can take to live a healthier lifestyle.

Eat Better

Be More Active

Quit Tobacco

Get Healthy Sleep

Manage Weight

Control Cholesterol

Manage Blood Sugar

Manage Blood Pressure

Learn more about Life’s Essential 8 here.

It's National Staying Healthy Month

Fruits, Vegetables Market
  • January 1 kicks off Diet Resolution Week.
  • National Obesity Awareness Week begins the 10th.
  • National Healthy Weight Week begins the 21st.
Check out our tips on Healthy Eating and Join Healthy for Good™ now and get our Shop Smart, Eat Smart digital recipe booklet free!

No smoking sign

Cigarettes are Hazardous to Your Health Day Jan. 11-5 Steps to Quit Smoking and Vaping

Woman getting flu shot

Don't forget your flu vaccine. It’s not too late to help protect yourself and others.

Hunting season - in the brush

Hunting safety should include heart attack and stroke awareness - News Release | Spanish news release

Woman walking with grandchildren
Jan. 20th is National Take a Walk Outdoors Day - Fit in Walking

Stress Strain Body Brain Infographic

January 3rd is International Mind-Body Wellness Day

Mental health can positively or negatively impact your physical health and risk factors for heart disease and stroke, according to “Psychological Health, Well-Being, and the Mind-Heart-Body Connection,” a scientific statement in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.

Stress may contribute to poor health behaviors linked to increased risk for heart disease and stroke, such as:

Lack of physical activity
Unhealthy diet
Being overweight
Not taking medications as prescribed

A stressful situation sets off a chain of events. Your body releases adrenaline, a hormone that temporarily causes your breathing and heart rate to speed up and your blood pressure to rise. These reactions prepare you to deal with the situation — the “fight or flight” response.

Fight stress by focusing on your physical and mental health.

More stress reduction tips | infographic text

January Calendar Highlights

Self-Love Month, Thyroid Awareness Month, National Blood Donor Month, Glaucoma Awareness Month

1/1 – New Year’s Day | Global Family Day | World Day of Peace

1/ 1-7 – Diet Resolution Week

1/3 – International Mind-Body Wellness Day | Women Rock Day | Three Kings Day

1/4 – Weigh-In Day

1/5 – National Keto Day

1/9 – National Law Enforcement Day

1/ 10-16 – National Obesity Awareness Week

1/10 National Take the Stairs Day

1/11 Cigarettes are Hazardous to Your Health Day

1/12 – National Youth Day

1/14 – Orthodox New Year

1/15 – Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day

1/20 – National Take a Walk Outdoors Day

1/21 – National Hugging Day

1/21-27 National Healthy Weight Week

1/27 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day

ISC Logo
ISC Sessions: February 7–9, 2024 | Pre-Cons and Stroke Nursing Symposia: February 6, 2024
Phoenix Convention Center | Phoenix, Arizona - Media registration and details here.

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