• 3 ways to protect your heart and brain this American Stroke Month - The American Stroke Association encourages everyone to be a bold advocate for their health - English | Spanish

  • Nationwide, 6 stroke advocates selected to receive 2024 Stroke Hero Awards - The American Stroke Association spotlights the resiliency of local individuals and groups in the fight against stroke - English | Spanish

Brain illustration

F.A.S.T. Warning Signs

Recognize the warning signs of stroke and call 9-1-1 immediately. This can make the difference between a strong recovery and disability or even death.

F = Face Drooping – Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person's smile uneven?

A = Arm Weakness – Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

S = Speech Difficulty – Is speech slurred?

T = Time to call 911

Learn more about these and other warning signs of stroke.


Infographic: Link to transcript

copyright American Heart Association 2022

Blood Pressure Chart 1200x630

Full text of understanding high blood pressure infographic

May 17World Hypertension Day

A key risk factor for stroke is high blood pressure, the “silent killer”

Nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure. (Many don’t even know they have it.) The best way to know if you have high blood pressure it is to have your blood pressure checked.

Stroke is dangerous and deadly — the No. 5 killer and a leading cause of disability in America. But you can control and treat several risk factors for stroke.

Organs in the body - transparent illustration

Whole body wellness can help you feel stronger, healthier and mentally sharp – and it can also reduce your stroke risk.

It’s never too late to start making healthier choices:

  • Get enough sleep - Adults need 7-9 hours per night. Teenagers and children need more.
  • Get regular check-ups - Schedule regular visits with your health care provider. Talk about how to control or manage your risk factors.
  • Move more, sit less
  • Aim for 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise (or a combination) per week.
  • Eat Healthy Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat.
  • Reduce your intake of sodium, added sugar, and saturated and trans fats.
  • Don’t smoke or vape If you currently smoke or vape, quit.

Stroke Risk Factors here

Brain Health Infographic

Stay healthy and active to help reduce your risk of STROKE, heart disease, memory loss and difficulty with thinking and learning.

Full text - Brain Health Infographic here

Young woman napping

Better Sleep Month

Sleep Your Way to Whole Body Health - Catching ZZZs could be the key to unlocking a healthier you. Amount and quality of sleep can influence your eating habits, mood, memory, internal organs and more.
Healthy For Good sleep resources | Life’s Essential 8, How to get healthy sleep | How to Sleep Better with a Bedtime Routine | How to sleep well infographic

Stress Strain Body Brain Infographic

Mental Health Awareness Month

Time to Manage Stress and Manage Your Health

While you may feel too busy to de-stress – you can decide to take back your “me time,” one moment at a time.

Did you know?

* Higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol is linked to a higher risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke?

* Between work, family and world events – too many of us are running on empty for the sake of others, particularly women. Constant, chronic stress can have real impacts on health.

* That’s why the American Heart Association is sharing science-backed tips for managing stress for better health.

Join Healthy for Good and learn tips to keep your mind and body fit.

May 1May Day

May 5Orthodox Easter | Cinco De Mayo commemorates Mexico’s unexpected victory over France in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862 | National Salsa Month - Salsa recipe

May 5-11National Hurricane Preparedness Week - How to take care of kids when a natural disaster strikes and Disaster Resources page | Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week - Prioritizing family time | National Pet Week - Healthy Bond for Life | 5 Ways Pets Help with Stress and Mental Health

May 6-10Teacher Appreciation Week

May 6-12National Nurses Week

May 7 World Asthma Day

May 12Mother’s Day, International Nurses Day

May 12-18 National Hospital Week | National Women’s Health Week | Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association's comprehensive platform designed to increase women’s heart health awareness and serve as a catalyst for change to improve the lives of women globally.

May 17World Hypertension Day - Learn the facts about high blood pressure

May 19-25EMS Week

May 20 - National Strawberry Month/Pick Strawberry Day - Strawberry Recipes

May 21 - The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development | Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day - Fruit Recipes - Vegetable Recipes

May 27Memorial Day - honoring those who lost their lives while defending their country.

May 29 National Senior Health and Fitness Day

May 31 - World No Tobacco Day

Looking ahead to June:

National CPR and AED Awareness Week is June 1-7 to stress the importance of CPR and AED use.

Be The Beat Logo black-red-white

You could be the difference between life and death for someone experiencing a cardiac event. Be ready to act by learning CPR.

Learn Hands-Only CPR/use an AED (English, Spanish, Mandarin)