American Heart Association BOLD HEARTS LOGO 2024

Celebrating 100 years of the American Heart Association

There’s no letting up in the next 100 years as we remain devoted to a future of health and hope for everyone, everywhere.

National Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 15-Oct. 15

RAPIDO infográfica

New Spanish language stroke prevention website aims to remove barriers to equitable health

The American Stroke Association launches a unique, culturally relevant website to raise stroke awareness AND promotes R.Á.P.I.D.O., a culturally relevant Spanish acronym, to raise awareness of common stroke symptoms

Transcripción Infográfica - Identifique un derrame cerebral


  • R - Rostro caído​ (Face drooping)
  • Á - Alteración del equilibrio​ (Loss of Balance, or Lack of Coordination)
  • P - Pérdida de fuerza en el brazo​ (Arm weakness)
  • I - Impedimento visual repentino​ (Sudden vision difficulty)
  • D - Dificultad para hablar​ (Slurred or Strange Speech)
  • O - Obtener ayuda, llamar al 911 (Get help, call 911)

Tome medidas para prevenir el derrame cerebral ahora para poder estar presente más adelante. Obtenga más información en

As summer wraps up and kids head back to the classrooms, it’s important to recognize how young people spend their free time could impact their heart health.

According to the American Heart Association, too much screen time and unhealthy on-the-go eating habits could make for some hard lessons in poor heart health in the future.

Keep busy kids focused on heart health | Spanish news release

snacking on fruits and veggies

Help your children develop healthy eating habits early in life that will bring lifelong benefits.

Healthy eating tips for the whole family

Kids on bikes

Be a role model for an active lifestyle. Start moving more yourself and find ways to be active together as a family.

Physical activity tips for the whole family

Blood test

National Cholesterol Education Month

Cholesterol is a waxy substance. It’s not inherently “bad.” Your body needs it to build cells. But too much can pose a problem. Find answers to your questions about cholesterol here.

AHA Life's Essential 8™ Circle graphic

Healthy Aging | National Self-Care Awareness | Self-Improvement Month

American Heart Association’s checklist to measure cardiovascular health, called Life’s Essential 8™, adds healthy sleep as essential for optimal cardiovascular health along with other health and lifestyle factors like nicotine exposure, physical activity, diet, weight, blood glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure.

Organs in the body - transparent illustration

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Awareness Month

Peripheral artery disease is a narrowing of the peripheral arteries that carry blood away from the heart to other parts of the body. The most common type is lower-extremity PAD. Learn more about symptoms, treatments and more.

Heart chambers illustration

National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month

(AFib or AF) is a quivering or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and some other heart-related complications. Learn more about A-Fib.

clouds building

National Preparedness Month
The American Heart Association has important tips to prepare for hurricanes and other natural disasters that can negatively impact physical and mental health

Farmer's Market fruits and vegetables

Fruit & Veggie Month - An easy first step to eating healthy is to add fruits & veggies at every meal/snack. Healthy Eating Tips

Hot peppers

LNational Chili Pepper Month - Can chili peppers help you live longer?

Apples - 4 types above in bowl

National Apple Month and Better Breakfast Month - Whole-wheat Apple Pancake Recipe


Prescription for fruits, vegetables linked to better heart health, food security - Prescriptions for free produce were associated with reduced blood pressure, blood sugar and body mass index, finds new study in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes journal (Aug. 2023)

High Blood Pressure A Concern for Adolescents and Young Adults in U.S. - Video with music and text

Transcript (doc) | Graphic cover (jpg) | News Release

Video copyright American Heart Association 2024

Song: Relaxing Light/ Royalty Free

copyright American Heart Association

Better Cardiovascular Health in Pregnancy May Offset High Genetic Risk - Video with music and text

Transcript (doc) | Graphic cover (jpg) | News Release

Video copyright American Heart Association 2024

Song: Ukulele Fun Acoustic Background (Happy Strings)/ Royalty Free

copyright American Heart Association

SS 2023 logo

November 16–18, 2024
McCormick Place Convention Center | Chicago

Resuscitation Science Symposium 2024 | November 16–17, 2024 | Hilton Chicago

Media Registration is NOW OPEN

More September Calendar Highlights

National Hispanic Heritage Month, National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month, Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Awareness Month, National Cholesterol Education Month, Self-Improvement Month, Healthy Aging/Older Americans Month, National Fruits & Veggies Month, National Preparedness Month, Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month, National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, National Yoga Awareness Month, and September 29 is World Heart Day.

9/2 - Labor Day

9/5 - International Day of Charity

9/5-8 - American Heart Association Hypertension Scientific Sessions 2024

9/8 - World Physical Therapy Day | Grandparents' Day

9/10 - World Suicide Prevention Day

9/11 - Patriot Day

9/12 - National Day of Encouragement

9/16 - Mexican Independence Day | Working Parents Day

9/16-22 - National Rehabilitation Awareness Week

9/17 - National Voter Registration Day

9/20 - National POW/MIA Recognition Day

9/21 - International Eat An Apple Day | National Dance Day | National Gymnastics Day | International Day of Peace | World Gratitude Day | World Alzheimer's Day

9/22 - Fall Equinox

9/23 - International Day of Sign Languages

9/27 - Native American Day

9/29 - World Heart Day