Proposition II, Preschool for All Coloradans, passes in Colorado providing universal free preschool for all children

DENVER, November 8, 2023 - The American Heart Association, the world’s leading voluntary organization focused on heart and brain health, issued the following statement in response to the passage of Proposition II, Preschool for All Coloradans which provides universal free preschool for all children in Colorado. Proposition II also retains tobacco and nicotine taxes at voter approved levels from 2020’s Proposition EE, ensuring there was not a reduction of 11.53% in taxes for future years. 

“With the election this week, Colorado took a huge step towards investing in the future of our state’s kids. Thanks to Colorado voters, all Colorado kids will have access to preschool in the year before kindergarten. With the passage of Proposition II, Preschool for All Coloradans, more than 60,000 kids in Colorado will have access to free universal preschool.   

“The American Heart Association is proud to be part of a large, diverse, statewide coalition of organizations that supported Proposition II, Preschool for All Coloradans. We know that universal preschool provides children with the ideal setting for building habits that help them grow up healthy by fostering social interactions, physical activity and nutrition education.” 

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