Advocacy News Increasing active transportation and improving health starts with bettering built environments August 13, 2020
Heart News PAD patients with depression had worse recovery, women twice as likely to be depressed August 12, 2020
Heart News Home monitoring program improves survival between surgeries for babies with certain heart defects August 11, 2020
Advocacy News As e-cigarette makers face critical September 9 deadline, leading health groups urge FDA not to allow sale of any flavored products August 10, 2020
COVID-19 Additional $400K awarded for fast-tracked COVID-19 heart and brain health research August 10, 2020
Stroke News & Brain Health Fewer African Americans in South Carolina sought stroke care at pandemic’s start August 05, 2020
Advisories & Comments Wang paper is wrong: Diversity, equity and inclusiveness in medicine and cardiology are important and necessary August 05, 2020
Heart News Heart disease medications underused among Hispanic/Latino populations with PAD August 05, 2020
Foreign Language News Releases Infrautilización de los medicamentos para cardiopatías por parte de las poblaciones hispanas y latinoamericanas que sufren de EAP August 05, 2020