WASHINGTON, D.C., January 21, 2020— Patient and health advocacy groups representing millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions are disappointed over the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today not to immediately take up the case of Texas v. United States. The groups, which include the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society along with more than a dozen others, filed an amicus curiae, or friend of the court brief, last week urging the Court to review the case on an expedited basis citing the uncertainty patients would face with a prolonged delay should the case be left at the lower court level. The Court could still consider this latest challenge to the health care law through its regular process.
Following is the groups’ joint statement:
“The Court’s decision today will leave millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions and those who rely on federal tax credits to obtain coverage unsure about their ability to keep or afford comprehensive health care coverage for months to come. Their uncertainty is rooted in the reality that without the protections of the Affordable Care Act, patients and survivors may once again be denied health coverage due to their health history or be priced out of the care they need entirely.
“While the ultimate outcome of the lawsuit is uncertain, the connection between health coverage and health outcomes is clear. Access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance is essential to ensuring patients and their families can access the care they need when they need it and at a cost that reduces the economic strain.
“On behalf of all the people we represent, we urge the Supreme Court to accept this case for review within its regular order and minimize the continued uncertainty for patients.”
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For Media Inquiries:
Suniti Bal, American Heart Association, 916-390-1860, Suniti.bal@heart.org
Allison Miller, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, 202-585-3241, Allison.Miller@cancer.org
Alex Day, American Diabetes Association, 703-253-4843, press@diabetes.org
Stephanie Goldina, American Lung Association, 312-801-7629, media@Lung.org
Gena Hyde, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 713-394-2956, Gena.Hyde@nmss.org
For Public Inquiries:
1-800-AHA-USA1 (242-8721)
heart.org and strokeassociation.org