SEATTLE, November 15, 2022 – When an individual experiences a cardiac arrest, immediate Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or CPR is critical and can double or triple a person’s chance of survival. The American Heart Association, a global force for healthier lives for all, and local sponsor MultiCare Pulse Heart Institute, are offering air travelers the opportunity to learn the two simple steps of Hands-Only CPR at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) through an interactive training kiosk placed in the airport Central Terminal.
“About 70% of cardiac arrests that happen outside of a hospital happen at home with someone you love1,” said Michael Meyer, M.D., chief medical officer, MultiCare Pulse Heart Institute and volunteer medical expert for the American Heart Association. “CPR is a life skill that everyone should know so you are able to respond quickly if you encounter someone in cardiac arrest. As families and friends are gathering again over the holiday season, it’s important to learn or refresh your skills. The kiosk is an easy way to accomplish that goal.”
Hesitancy to perform CPR is often due to a perceived lack of training or knowledge. About 3 in 10 people are afraid of hurting someone and 3 in 10 are afraid of legal consequences. Additionally, a quarter of people have never heard of Good Samaritan Laws which protect individuals from legal consequences when responding to a medical emergency, and only about half feel familiar with it.
Disparities also exist in the rate in which people receive CPR in the United States. CPR is less common in Black and Hispanic-Latino neighborhoods. A study, published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation, found the greater the percentage of Hispanic-Latino residents in a neighborhood, the lower the chances of receiving bystander CPR and the lower the chances of survival.2 Women are further negatively impacted. A 2017 study found that only 39% of women in cardiac arrest received CPR from strangers in public, compared with 45% of men, and men's odds of surviving were 23% higher than women3.
The Hands-Only CPR training kiosk directly addresses the hesitancy and disparities by reinforcing the importance of immediate CPR and offering training on how to perform Hands-Only CPR. The touch screen display presents a video introduction and tutorial, followed by an interactive practice session and a 30-second test to measure efficacy all delivered within a five-minute session. With the help of a practice manikin, or a rubber torso, the kiosk gives feedback about the depth and rate of compressions and proper hand placement – factors that influence the effectiveness of CPR. Kiosk users can select to do the training in English or Spanish language and the experience is closed captioned for accessibility.
The airport is the ideal location to offer this lifesaving training as many people are waiting for incoming or departing flights and often have five minutes to spare.
“We are happy to have such a great tool to help the traveling public learn about Hands-Only CPR,” said Randy Krause, Chief, Port of Seattle Fire. “In fact, through the CPR Training Kiosk we’ve trained over 10,000 community members on this lifesaving skill. It takes a trained community, AED’s placed throughout the airport, and our firefighters training others how to perform CPR that assists in making SEA Airport have the highest save rate for witnessed cardiac arrest in the world.“
- Hands-Only CPR
- Hands-Only CPR Kiosk locations
- Hands-Only CPR Fact Sheet English, Spanish
- Hands-Only CPR vs. CPR with Breaths Infographic
About the American Heart Association
The American Heart Association is a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. We are dedicated to ensuring equitable health in all communities. Through collaboration with numerous organizations, and powered by millions of volunteers, we fund innovative research, advocate for the public’s health and share lifesaving resources. The Dallas-based organization has been a leading source of health information for nearly a century. Connect with the American Heart Association, Washington on, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
For Media Inquiries:
Valerie Koch,
For Public Inquiries: 1-800-AHA-USA1 (242-8721) and
[1] Three Things You May Not Know About CPR |
[2] Bystander CPR less common in Hispanic neighborhoods | American Heart Association