Usage Policy
Terms and Conditions for use of AHA/ASA Multimedia Materials
"Multimedia" means all media material furnished by the American Heart Association / American Stroke Association hereunder, whether audio, video, digital images/prints, animation, graphics, documents or otherwise.*
* This usage policy refers to materials specifically provided in the Multimedia section of the AHA/ASA newsroom ( or directly to media for background. These terms may not be applied to other AHA/ASA copyrighted material found on, other AHA/ASA web sites, AHA/ASA web programs, including webinars, and social media activities. This includes those linked to from like the AHA's copyrighted "Watch and Learn Illustration/Animation Library." This online library is for viewing purposes only and may not be used without a license agreement with the AHA/ASA. Also NOTE: Scientific abstracts, manuscripts and researcher slides are provided for BACKGROUND ONLY - All content is copyrighted/not authorized for reprint or republishing of any kind.
File Use Policy:
- All multimedia and copyrights associated therewith shall remain the exclusive property of the American Heart Association.
Permission to use AHA/ASA multimedia is granted to credentialed news media (Radio, Television, Print and Internet) for non-commercial editorial purposes only. Any other use is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from the American Heart Association.
With the exception of video and audio (b-roll and interview clips) which may be edited as needed for time/story content, credentialed news media may not edit, mask out or alter AHA/ASA copyrighted animation, illustrations or graphics provided in the image or video animation libraries in the newsroom. The AHA or ASA copyright must be retained. If a zoom effect is employed, it must be immediately before or after the full copyright is seen for at least 3 seconds on animation.
The American Heart Association's copyright (or copyright permission provided by contributing source) must accompany each photo/image use as an adjacent credit line.
General video (b-roll) and interview clips with the AHA/ASA copyright may be used in by credentialed news media in television and online reports without a copyright font added over the video, however video/animation provided by and copyrighted by other sources, as noted, must include the copyright found on the description.
Credentialed news media may not alter (change content) of videos or images by digitalization or by synthesizing them alone or with any other material, by use of computer or with other electronic means now or hereafter known without the written consent of the American Heart Association being first obtained in each instance.
- The American Heart Association does NOT endorse companies, products or services and strictly prohibits any suggestion of endorsement, recommendation, or superiority of one company, product or service over another company, product, or service. User may not assign or transfer this agreement or any rights granted hereunder.
To request use of any AHA/ASA copyrighted materials (not specifically approved for news media use as listed above)
please contact our Copyright Office.

This link is provided for convenience only and is not an endorsement of either the linked-to entity or any product or service.