DALLAS, Feb. 14, 2022 — A popular American Stroke Association program connecting the latest cutting-edge science with the people who may benefit from it is back for a second year. Through Stroke Connection at International Stroke Conference (ISC), the American Stroke Association, a division of the American Heart Association, offers select research sessions to the general public and invites them to ask questions directly to scientific experts in moderated virtual discussions.
This year’s program, running Feb. 21-March 3, spotlights areas of high consumer interest. Among the highlighted topics are stroke risk factor management and outcomes in women vs. men, post-acute rehabilitation after stroke, art therapies and stroke rehabilitation, as well as the effects of marijuana on brain health.
“We took feedback from last year’s participants seriously and created this year’s programming with their interests in mind,” said Lee H. Schwamm, M.D., volunteer chair of the American Stroke Association Advisory Committee and the C. Miller Fisher Chair in Vascular Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. "What we consistently heard from stroke survivors and their caregivers was that they wanted to ask top stroke experts questions in real-time, that matter to them, so we’ve made that a key component to each session.”
Stroke Connection at ISC consists of eight virtual sessions. Registration costs $10 per session and is available at stroke.org/iscstrokeconnection. A maximum of 500 participants can connect to each live session. Each session includes a video overview of the science and a moderated discussion where participants can ask questions to the expert.
- Monday, Feb. 21, at 1 p.m. CT: Stroke Science: the team approach to pediatric stroke interventions, featuring expert Sandra Narayanan, M.D., associate professor of neurology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh.
- Tuesday, Feb. 22 at 1 p.m CT: Stroke Recovery: art therapies and stroke rehabilitation, featuring expert Mona Bahouth, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore.
- Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 1 pm CT: Stroke in Women: an update on sex differences in stroke risk factor management and outcomes, featuring expert Tracy Madsen, M.D., associate professor of emergency medicine in the Division of Sex and Gender in Emergency Medicine within the Department of Emergency Medicine, Brown University, Providence, R.I.
- Thursday, Feb. 24 at 1 pm CT: Brain Health: vascular contributions to brain health, featuring expert Philip Gorelick, M.D., vascular neurologist, Mercy Health Hauenstein neurosciences professor, Translational Science and Molecular Medicine Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, Grand Rapids, Mich.
- Tuesday, March 1 at 1 pm CT: Post-acute rehabilitation after stroke: getting it right, featuring expert Carolee J. Winstein, Ph.D., PT, professor of biokinesiology and physical therapy and director of the Motor Behavior and Neurorehabilitation Laboratory, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
- Wednesday, March 2 at 1 pm CT: Stroke in Women: interventions to reduce sex differences in stroke, featuring expert Eliza Miller, M.D., assistant professor of neurology, Columbia University, New York.
- Thursday, March 3 at 1 pm CT: Brain Health: effect of marijuana on brain health, featuring expert Fernando Testai, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor, University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation, Chicago.
Stroke Connection at ISC is intended for the general public. No continuing medical education credits will be offered.
The American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference is the world’s premier meeting dedicated to the science and treatment of cerebrovascular disease. The 2022 conference held earlier this month featured more than 1,200 presentations in 17 categories with a common goal to improve knowledge around stroke prevention, treatment, and recovery and support optimal brain health for all.
Additional Resources:
- International Stroke Conference Newsroom
- Stroke Connection e-news
- News Release: How does cannabis use affect brain health? Caution advised, more research needed
* Potential for program changes.
About the American Stroke Association
The American Stroke Association is a relentless force for a world with fewer strokes and longer, healthier lives. We team with millions of volunteers and donors to ensure equitable health and stroke care in all communities. We work to prevent, treat and beat stroke by funding innovative research, fighting for the public’s health, and providing lifesaving resources. The Dallas-based association was created in 1998 as a division of the American Heart Association. To learn more or to get involved, call 1-888-4STROKE or visit stroke.org. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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Darcy Wallace: 817-698-5480; Darcy.Wallace@heart.org
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